Phillip Scott, MD, MBA

Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor, Radiology
Associate Chair Research, Emergency Medicine


Dr. Scott’s research involvement has focused on clinical trial work in: 1) hyper-acute, thrombolytic, based stroke treatment strategies, 2) efforts to extend stroke treatment via neuronal protection mechanisms (both pharmacologic and hypothermic), 3) the development of mechanical-based clot removal and lysis in stroke, 4) methods to enhance treatment for subarachnoid hemorrhage care via hypothermia, 5) primary stroke prevention via enhanced identification of atrial fibrillation, 6) development of population and systems-based approaches to acute stroke care and research, particularly focusing on community delivery of acute stroke care (second-stage knowledge translation). Dr. Scott co-leads Michigan StrokeNet, the Regional Coordinating Center for the national NINDS StrokeNet network. This network was established in 2013 to speed the development and conduct of clinical trials in the areas of 1) stroke treatment, 2) stroke prevention, and 3) rehabilitation.