Posts in Neurological Care
UM Innovation Partnerships Highlights MCIRCC in Feature Story

In the seven years since its founding, MCIRCC has collaborated with the Office of Technology transfer to spin out eight companies and licensed 14 products that are making positive impacts on patients in the critical care setting.

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2019 Joyce Massey TBI Summit Sparks Meaningful Dialogue for Advancements in Treatment

MCIRCC’s third Joyce Massey TBI Summit brought together leading traumatic brain injury (TBI) experts from across the United States and the UK to present their current research, discuss the future of the field, and identify important barriers to improving patient outcomes.

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Research into Innovative Treatment Ideas for Traumatic Brain Injury

Researchers hope the innovations and treatments they are currently investigating will be able to help patients with a traumatic brain injury in the future. To treat a TBI, researchers are thinking outside the box. The nation’s leading experts and researchers are coming together at the Joyce Massey TBI Summit to discuss the most pressing challenges and how to work together to find innovative solutions.

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Important Information for Researchers regarding International Collaborations

Amid growing federal concerns regarding "foreign influence" on research activity, some federal agencies have issued statements emphasizing the need for increased transparency with respect to international collaborations. Failure to comply could jeopardize the ability of faculty and the university to receive federal support for research.

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Inside the Critical Care Lab

MCIRCC’s objective is to transform critical care through innovation, integration, and entrepreneurship. But what does that mean and how is it being done? The MCIRCC Pre-Clinical Operative and Intensive Care Unit was created in February 2013 to embody this objective and has made great strides in high-risk, high-reward pursuits.

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